Diet, aging, stress, disease and genetics all contribute to hair loss, and adding nutrients to the diet can help grow hair Hormonal imbalances can also lead to hair loss, and after menopause women are especially at risk: Steroid drugs or other drugs that interact with hormones, may alter hair growth and loss of hair as well. A healthy diet can be encouraged to grow hair all over the food and food raw materials are the best source of vitamins and nutrients, but adding vitamin supplements may help jump start the regrowth of hair.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C-is necessary to produce the collagen structure of hair and hair follicles. Because the human body can not manufacture vitamin C, daily consumption from food or supplements to the natural sources of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons. Vitamin C is added to the number of shampoo and skin care products because of its effectiveness.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D allows the hair to grow, according to University of California, Davis. When people are severely deficient in this nutrient are developing rickets, and one of the symptoms of rickets in their hair, or hair loss vitamin D-is absorbed by the skin when exposed to sunlight, but because many Americans have been found deficient in vitamin D, according to Research at Purdue University, supplementation is recommended.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E stimulates the growth of new blood vessels. Taken internally or applied to the scalp, vitamin E may help regrow hair and prevent hair loss: This fat-soluble vitamin can be applied to the scalp as well. Improving vitamin E in the hair follicles on the scalp can increase hair growth and help the vitamin E in nuts, seeds and vegetable oils, as well as tomatoes, wheat germ and avocados.
Vitamin B
The B vitamins to nourish hair follicles, a part of the scalp hair is starting to grow in that group is called the vitamin B complex, B vitamins for hair growth are advised to B1, B2, B3 and B5. Stress also causes hair loss, said the report, and B vitamins help the body handle stress.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A for retinoids in the body, and the skin and helps regrow hair and prevent hair loss: Retinoids stimulate hair follicle production and encourage new hair: Natural sources of vitamin A include dark green and yellow vegetables.